All Products >> Muut >>Sphagnum moss

Sphagnum moss Sphagnum sp. The sphagnum moss is practical for cleaning fish, and, in log houses, it can be tucked between logs as insulation. Earlier, the moss was also used for washing and as a sanitary towel, a mattress, a pillow and as a mattress that was put under the baby in the Sámi cradle. Pregnant women used to gather sphagnum moss to be used as babies’ nappies. There are about 300 species of sphagnum mosses in the world. Out of these, 41 are found in Finland. The stems and the leaves of the plant contain hyaline cells, which the plant uses effectively for storage of water and nutrients. With the help of their high absorption capacity, the mosses keep themselves damp in the dry seasons. The sphagnum mosses play a central role in the development of a marsh ecosystem: they grow about a centimetre a year, while the lower part of the plant turns into peat. About half of Finland’s peat resources come from sphagnum mosses.