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Artefacts related to the traditional sources of the Sámis' livelihood


  • Artefacts related to reindeer husbandry: lassos, lasso rings, ear tags, ownership sticks, tag scissors, Burdizzos and spray paints
  • Artefacts related to fishing: nets, net tags, driftnets, dam trestles and other dam structures, flies, reels, fishing reels, jig-fishing equipment, floats and weights
  • Artefacts related to hunting and gathering such as tools to remove the bark from pine trees, bark scrapers, bows, arrows, spears, gunpowder horns, ammunition moulds, weapons, traps
  • Artefacts related to cattle husbandry and agriculture such as sickles, scythes and frames for drying hay
  • General tools of the Sámi such as axes, knives, Sámi knives, saws and fleshers
  • Artefacts related to handicrafts done by women such as looms, spinning wheels, rigid heddles, shuttles, fleshers and tanning kettles
  • Sámi souvenirs made by the Sámi
  • Other artefacts related to traditional sources of livelihood that the Sámi had
Várjjat Sámi Musea

Fishing floats, Norway.



Lasso ring, Finland.

Jan Gustavsson /Ájtte

Knife, Sweden.



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